10 Traveling Tips to Take Care of Your Skin & Hair During Travel

While traveling, why do we take extra care of our skin and hair?

 Estimated reading Time - 11 minutes


Traveling is quite a beautiful experience. People adore traveling for different reasons. Some adore exploring, some are curious about popular destinations & exotic cultures, some travel for work, some travel to go on an adventure, and yet others simply travel to catch a break from daily hassles and monotony. Whether it is a romantic getaway you are planning or a ladies-only trip right before your wedding - there is this one part that comes along with traveling that one can quite often miss. Any guesses for what we’re talking about here?

That’s right! We’re talking about the state of your skin and hair during travel. It is easy to neglect your regular self-care when you’re on the go. After all, who has the time to focus on trivial details when they’re at an exciting new place with their loved ones? And while that is understandable, we’re afraid you should know that your hair and skin can suffer the worst consequences if they are ignored during a vacation. They are exposed to a new location, new climate, and do not get the same quality of water and coddling that they get back at home. While traveling you are mostly outdoors and exposed to the sun, making it an even more vulnerable situation for your luscious locks and smooth skin.


Figure out how to travel while giving your skin & hair the appropriate care.


Figuring out what type of products like moisturizer, sunscreen, ayurvedic face wash should be used and how to travel while giving your skin & hair the appropriate care and attention can be tricky, but it's not impossible! In fact, once you get the hang of it, you’ll realize it was barely a hassle after all. Read on to find the best 10 tips to take care of your skin and hair while traveling and then, well, never worry about it again!

Always Research Enough About the Weather & Climate

This is a thumb rule that cannot and must not be ignored when you travel. And don’t just guess, actually read up on the city you’re visiting. Different geographical locations see a different air quality, exposure to the sun, and humidity. All of these factors are involved in how your skin and hair act and what cream, ayurvedic face wash or sunscreen you should take. For example, if you go to a humid city such as Mumbai summers, you’re likely to see humid weather so you need to take the best ayurvedic face wash to clean the clogged pores and restore hydration as well.  You will sweat a lot and your face will get oily. This can easily lead to congested skin and breakouts. Alternatively, if you travel to a hill station, you are likely to see very cold and dry air. As a result, your skin may get extremely dry and dehydrated. It could even see dry flakes and cracks. A moisturizer or a Kumkumadi Serum could rescue the dry skin in this case.

When you know about both the climatic conditions and the current weather of your destination getaway, you can pack the appropriate skincare and haircare essentials, like hair tonic, face moisturizer, ayurvedic face wash, SLS Free shampoo in addition to packing suitable clothing. Make a note of the following things about your destination city before traveling: -

  • Average temperature (according to what season you visit in)
  • Humidity percentage
  • How likely is it to rain on the days you’re visiting
  • Whether the sky will be cloudy or clear

Carry A Water Bottle with You at All Times

If you are going on a summer vacation, we probably don’t have to tell you twice. You are likely to travel with water bottles wherever you go. However, many people might neglect drinking water in winter or when they’re on vacation at a colder place. This is not good at all! You might not realize it but the lack of drinking water gets to your skin and hair over time. The dry and cold air sucks your skin out of all its radiance. Additionally, you are likely to be doing activities that dehydrate you, such as walking around or trekking, which will increase your body’s and skin’s need for hydration even more. Skin and hair dehydration may give you a dull and tired look in your fun getaway.


Travel with water bottles wherever you go.

Ideally, if you are traveling for the day, you should be finishing at least 2 liters of water bottles by the end of it. Don't only rely on creams and hair oils. Always carry a water bottle with you.


Do NOT Skip Sunscreen!

We, and we’re sure many other skincare experts could not stress this enough - but sunscreen is very essential to protect your skin from damage. And when you’re on the go trying to enjoy a vacation, you are mostly outdoors. This means that you are exposed to the sun much more than usual, which calls for effective sunscreen application. Here are some things to keep in mind to optimize your use of sunscreen.

  • Firstly clean your face with an ayurvedic face wash.
  • Apply sunscreen over your regular moisturizer.
  • Use a gel-based SPF if you are traveling during summer as greasy sunscreen could make your skin oily.
  • Do NOT skip sunscreen cream even in the winters. Often people make the honest mistake of thinking that the sun won’t be that harsh in colder areas, but that’s a myth.
  • Re-apply your sunscreen every few hours. Many might forget this but the purpose of sunscreen is not just to moisturize but to also give you lasting barrier protection. Often this barrier-creating effect wears out after a few hours, so you have to re-apply.

Use a gel-based SPF if you are travelling during summer.

Let’s be practical here, not all places you travel to will have a beautiful bathroom with a great wash basin and pretty mirrors available for you to wash your face with ayurvedic face wash. Neither does anyone have that much time when they’re traveling. This calls for a good alternative to ayurvedic face washes. Luckily, cleaning wipes and blotting papers are easily available for you to use to solve this problem. Carry a small moisturizer and cleaning wipes wherever you go. When you feel oil, dirt, and sweat building up on your skin, just wipe it off! Also, carry a Rose Face Mist to keep the tired skin fresh and hydrated.

Blotting papers are an even better alternative for those with oily skin, as they specialize in absorbing and getting rid of the excess oil on your skin. With cleaning wipes and blotting papers, your skin is likely to feel much more rejuvenated and fresh - as are you likely to feel in general just like you feel when you use ayurvedic face wash. After all, there are very few things that are as mentally refreshing as getting rid of excessive build-up on your face without bathroom, water or ayurvedic face wash.

Hats & Scarves Go a Long Way

Your hair needs protection from the sun too. Some would argue, even more than your skin! Excessive heat from the sun can dry your hair out and make it look lifeless. In humid weather, it is not just skin that needs products like ayurvedic face wash, but hair needs care too. The moisture may even give your hair a messy and frizzy look. Who would want that, right?

But obviously, we don’t have sunscreens or any ayurvedic face wash that we can directly apply to our hair to protect it. This is why stylish accessories such as hats and scarves go an extra mile for our hair to save it from the sun torture. Cover your hair with something that goes with your outfit and you’ll be ready with not just a brand-new fashionable look - but also a protective headgear that will preserve the beautiful luster of your locks.

Give Your Hair A Break from The Wind

There is nothing quite like having your hair open in the wind….. With it flying romantically behind you, making you feel like a beautiful damsel. Right?

Wrong! Yes, we know it can feel quite freeing and mesmerizing, but heavy winds do more than just make your hair move romantically. Strong blows from the wind are likely to carry with them lots of dust particles, dirt, and heat. This leads to a greasy scalp. That’s not all! The movement of the wind also completely entangles your hair! When you comb it after that, you are likely to experience hair fall. This is why the practical thing to do while traveling is to tie your hair in a bun or a braid so that it is saved from being all messed up by the wind. Think of it as a way of getting to explore different tied up hairdos for yourself.

Give Your Hair A Break from The Wind


Carry A Hair Dryer

Damp hair does not do anyone favors, no matter what season you have it in! Wet hair is more vulnerable to breakage. And it does not help to go out in the sun either, because oftentimes if you go out with wet hair it simply breaks and falls wherever you go with it. In the winter, on the other hand, it can take quite a while for your hair to dry so it can get frizzy if it's damp for too long.

While ideally, it is best to simply wash your hair before traveling, oftentimes on long vacations you have no choice but to wash your hair. Beach vacations and resorts may also require you to wash your hair. In such conditions, it would be unwise to not carry a hairdryer for yourself and save yourself from the annoying theatrics of wet hair.


Don’t Overdo Your Makeup

We know, we know. Holidays are a time to relax and for some people that involves looking their best. However, when you are traveling in a plane or train, or simply are going to be outdoors for most of your day, makeup does not do you any favors. Not only will it run out and get dirt stuck on it, but it could also cake into your skin just as dirt and build-ups do. You probably know the rest - breakouts, dull skin, and tired looks that could cast a dark shadow on your happy vacation dreams.

Always wear good hydrating mists or creams under your make-up and try to keep it simple when you’re traveling. And no matter how tired you are, never, ever sleep with your makeup on. Always wash your face with ayurvedic face wash to remove makeup. We all know that ayurvedic face wash plays an important role in our skincare routine. Ayurvedic face washes are designed to remove impurities, germs, dirt and makeup that can irritate the skin. Make sure to use an ayurvedic face wash that contains natural ingredients like aloe vera, honey and many more. Trust us, your skin deserves better than that!

Don’t Use Unknown Toiletries

The best skincare routines come about to suit our skin when you carefully look through and try a range of products - until you find that one good product that works best for your skin and hair. Unfortunately, complimentary toiletries such as soaps and shampoos from your hotel are probably not going to do it for you.

Oftentimes these toiletries are not produced with good quality materials or care that your beloved brands may provide you. The soap could be too drying for your skin. The shampoo could have a smell you don’t like. In the worst cases, your skin or hair could get irritated and react to a new product. Therefore, it is best to not use a product that your skin and hair are unfamiliar with and carry your own approved products like SLS Free shampoo, ayurvedic conditioner with natural oils, soap and ayurvedic face wash in your cute little travel bag.

Always Carry a Dry Hand Towel/Hanky

Wet wipes do a good job at cleaning your face, as do blotting papers and ayurvedic face wash. But sometimes, our skin may need more than that. You see, when you feel a sweat droplet dripping down your face, cleaning wipes and face mist can help you tidy it up. However, your skin remains damp and this can create an annoying problem in humid weather where your face seems to keep sweating before the mist from your cleansing wipes is even dried!

Wet wipes do a good job at cleaning your face, as do blotting papers. 

This is why dry hand towels and handkerchiefs should be essentials in your bag that you never forget carrying. They also work great when you don’t want to completely clean, but simply dab your face in case you don’t want to wear off your make-up.

In Conclusion

Traveling is a way of enjoying life to the fullest and there’s a reason “wanderlust” is a thing. All of us deserve to catch a break from daily hassles and monotony with adventurous getaways and relaxing resorts. Traveling may also be a daily practice for those who have to cover long distances while going to work or school.

In all these instances your skin and hair are exposed to unusual threats that need to be nullified. That’s why it is always wise to keep some good skincare & hair care tips customized for traveling in handy whenever you’re about to be on the go. We hope our tips & tricks add to the richness of your next holiday!

Recommended Products by Blue Nectar: 

Niraa Uplifting Body Mist with Himalyan Rose and Cardamom for long lasting freshness and aromatic body odor

Kumkumadi Tailam Face Serum with Pure Sandalwood & Saffron for Glowing Skin

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