Save The Blue

Aug 16, 2023

 Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Discover Blue Nectar's Transformative 'Save the Blue' Initiative: Join us in a mission to replenish 10 million gallons of vital underground water reserves. Through a strategic collaboration with the Sankalpa Rural Development Society (SLDs), we're employing innovative borewell recharge methods that harness the power of monsoon rains. This groundbreaking approach helps combat depleting water levels and fosters eco-conscious practices.

Blue Nectar Save the Blue initiative

Our initiative collects surface water during the monsoon season and channels it into borewells and nearby water bodies. This process naturally refills the underground water table, a crucial resource under increasing stress due to over-extraction and environmental factors.

 Table of Content: 

  • Introduction 
  • Narrating a creative story about “Save the Blue”
  • Saving Water: A Conversation Among Friends
  • Uncovering Underground Water: A Talk on Scarcity and Solutions
  • Recycling the packaging
  • Conclusion
  • Recommended Page by Blue Nectar

By pledging to Save the Blue, you mitigate water scarcity, enhance groundwater availability, and fortify sustainable ecosystems. Your support reverberates beyond immediate impact, shaping a brighter future for generations to come.

Join us on this inspiring journey toward a sustainable and water-secure world. Together, we can make a profound difference in safeguarding our precious 'blue nectar' and fostering a more resilient planet.

Let us dive deep into a story:

Step into a chat between three friends - Paani, Farmer, and Earth - as they talk about water. Discover why it's so essential for life and why we need to save it. Join their talk about how we can all make a difference by conserving water. Explore their ideas on protecting this vital resource for a better future.

Saving Water: A Conversation Among Friends

Three friends, namely Paani, Farmer and Earth, are talking to each other about saving the water.

Paani: Can there be a life without water?

Farmer: tum batao, bina paani ke kheti possible he kya?

Earth: Yes, water is life. If there is no water, then there is no greenery, and there is no life. All ecosystem components, that is, all life-support systems, are connected to water. So, don't you need to save it? 

Farmer: We all know the importance of water, but are we ready to take the initiative to save it?

Earth: First, let me explain to you why it is important to save water. You know that India has only 4% of the world's water resources, but its population represents 18% of the world's population? So, saving water becomes crucial for us.

farmer hand has been shown that how he is saving the blue

Farmer: ya, you are right. Water is life; without it, no life can exist on any planet. 

Earth: Our natural ecosystem depends on water, so saving it is essential.

Farmer: People have no idea the water crisis is becoming so severe. 

Paani: It was summer, and I was going to Ooty via a Kerala Express train on vacation. My route was one day, 16h, 17m. It started at 8:10 p.m. from New Delhi station. The next day, when I woke up early, I saw the train passing through the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. I was thrilled to see the picturesque landscapes- everywhere greenery, farming cultivation surrounded by coconut trees. Suddenly, I saw a group of women carrying pots on their heads walking through the field. It gave me a picture of the old days when women used to go far distances to carry water for their daily uses. I was amazed that there are villages where potable water supply still needs to be reached.

Earth: Then, what did you do?

Paani (continued..): I got excited to know more about it and started searching on Google and found the following data: 1.53 lakh villages have a potable water supply. But, it has been an alarming issue that 70 per cent of our sources are contaminated, and our major rivers are dying because of pollution. Jal Jeevan Mission, the world's largest drinking water project, envisaged by the Prime Minister to bring piped water supply to all rural households of the country by 2024. I recalled news in the newspaper a few days back that the six districts of Kalyana-Karnataka have reported as many as 16 deaths due to water contamination in the past two years. So, it can be concluded that 'India is suffering from the worst water crisis in its history.

Earth: What can you do to make a difference?

Farmer: Every little action counts! 

Paani: Yes! You heard it right…. These are some easy changes you can make in your daily life to save water:

  • You can start using stored water, like Aqua guard wastewater, for activities like washing floors and cars. 
  • Also, remember not to let the water flow while brushing your teeth. 
  • Another simple step is washing clothes in a bucket instead of running water directly from the tap. 
  • Repairing the leaked taps, turning off the water motor, and not allowing storage/direct water to flow for hours are other factors you can take care of.

Earth: By the way, do you know what the connection is between 

Save the Blue and Blue Nectar?

Farmer: Yes, Blue Nectar is a brand, and it's closely tied to the concept of water being the "blue nectar of life." It believes in the importance of saving water as part of our corporate social responsibility and as responsible citizens of the Earth.

Paani: I'm excited to be part of something that positively impacts our environment.

Earth: Do you want to be a part of this amazing mission? If yes, you can support our brands, and by purchasing our products, you indirectly contribute towards the Save the Blue initiative. Together, we can conserve water and give back to nature. 

Paani: Let's join the movement and do our bit!

Farmer: Together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for our planet. Let's save the blue and create a sustainable world for future generations.

Uncovering Underground Water: A Talk on Scarcity and Solutions

Join a conversation that delves into the scarcity of underground water, its significance, and the ways we're working to solve this issue.

Natural Resource of Water

A group of people wanted to learn about the natural resources of water and their importance. Through the conversation between 2 them proceeding as follows, you will learn all about this topic: 

ASK: What is the important natural resource of water?

UG: Underground Water.

ASK: Have you been in the news for the last few years?

UG: Really, why?

ASK: Underground water scarcity is a serious issue that affects many parts of the world.

UG: How is it affected?

ASK: As the population continues to grow and industrial activities are expanding, the water demand keeps increasing. This has put a tremendous strain on our underground water sources. And do you know one of the major problems worldwide is the over-extraction of groundwater? 

UG: Why is it so?

ASK: Many regions rely heavily on underground water for irrigation, drinking water, and industrial purposes. However, due to excessive pumping, the water levels are dropping alarmingly. If this trend continues, we could face a severe water crisis.

UG: Is there a solution to this?

ASK: Let me tell you first how the news media has been contributing to it, bringing people's attention. Here are some scripts from the newspaper:

1. Usable groundwater rapidly depleting in north, east India: IIT Study

2. Massive groundwater contamination in 31 of 38 districts in Bihar: Economic Survey

3. Water-stressed Karnataka proposes penalty for unnecessary use of water, restricting groundwater extraction

4. An impending water crisis can cripple India's agriculture sector. Here's how to tackle it

UG: I am worried now.

ASK: You need not. Our government is taking enough steps to protect the underground level of water. Recently, it was in the news that.

5. PM Modi launches Atal Jal Yojana aimed at improving groundwater level

UG: Can you explain a little more about this Yojana?

ASK: The primary objective of this Scheme is "to improve the management of groundwater resources in the water-stressed areas of the selected States." The arrest in decline in groundwater levels is likely to improve water regimes required for agriculture, domestic, and industrial purposes, thereby generating societal benefit. 

UG: It is certainly a good move to save underground water.

ASK: Hey, have you heard about this amazing initiative called Save the Blue?

UG: You mean #SavetheBlue

ASK: Do you want to know what that's all about? 

UG: Yes

ASK: Let me tell you about it. It's a pledge to increase underground water by 10 million by October 2023 through a partnership with the Sankalpa Rural Development Society (SLDs). They recharge Borewells by collecting surface water during the monsoons and nearby water bodies.

UG: It sounds very interesting. 

Recycling the packaging

Atmosphere pollution is one of the major problems of existence on Earth as many health problems exist in the life of everyone. In industry, one of the biggest problems of pollution is packaging.

In the following conversation, we shall learn more about it. 

WED: Do you know when World Environment Day is marked?

P: Yes, It is on June 5 every year. But do you know what its purpose is?

WED:  Its purpose is to bring together millions of people from across the globe, engaging them in the effort to protect and restore the Earth.

P: What is the theme of this year?

WED: This year, it highlights the problem of plastic pollution. However, using some of the plastic items is banned in India, but it has minimal impact on the ground. The recycling of packaging materials still needs to be solved.

P:  What does recycling affect?

WED: Recycling reduces the amount of waste materials and makes the environment cleaner and the air fresher to breathe. 

P: How can I only help?

WED: It impacts every day you spend trying to reduce your waste and carbon footprint; you add to the Earth’s life.

P: Yes, I still remember our Prime Minister, Mr Narendera Modi, taking a walk on the Mumbai beach, picking up the waste bottles, and sending a message to keep the environment free from waste products.

WED:  Do you know that every institution or organization has a lot of unused materials preserved for years? 

P: What do they do then?

WED: There must be proper waste management so that the discarded materials can be processed and recycled into new products.  

P: How does recycling help?

WED: It is one of the essential steps to protect human health and the environment and to preserve natural resources. Recycling reduces the amount of waste materials and makes the environment cleaner and the air fresher to breathe.

P: I recall one of my incidents when we shifted to a new house from Delhi to Gurugram last year; we had booked Packers and Movers Services. They came with a lot of cardboard to pack the household items. After packing and moving our households to our new house, they took back all their packaging materials, taking care that they were not damaged so that they could reuse or recycle them. 

reuse packaging

WED: Every packaging industry is challenged to reduce atmospheric pollution during package manufacture and effectively use recycling waste management. 

P: Recently, when I was searching for a good product for my skincare, I came across one website of Blue Nectar and found that they not only brand skin care products but also use eco-friendly and sustainable packaging. 

WED: It is interesting to know. Industrial activities are a source of pressure on the environment, mainly in emissions to the atmosphere and water ecosystems, waste generation and resource consumption. So, they must contribute to save the earth from pollution.

P: I noticed that Blue Nectar is contributing to the environment in a number of ways:

  • It reduces CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 60%.
  • It helps to sustain the habitat for future generations.
  • Reduces the amount of waste to be sent to the landfills.
  • Save money
  • Utilize the product to the full extent. 

WED: Let’s make packaging a positive agent of change, not a source of pollution.

In the water conservation and eco-friendly packaging journey, we've learned from conversations and practical examples. We're building a better future by joining efforts like "Save the Blue" and choosing sustainable packaging. Our actions today can protect our resources and create a healthier planet for the next generations.

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Save the Blue

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