How can essential oils be used as a pain relief oil?

Oct 18, 2022

 Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are natural compounds from various parts of plants. This captures a plant's scent and essence. These are normally obtained by the process of steam distillation or mechanical cold press, making them highly concentrated, volatile, potent and rich with therapeutic properties. Generally, it is used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that uses plant extracts to help support health and well-being. The essential oils such as clove oil can be oil used for pain relief too.

Essential oils bottles are placed on white table

Why do we use Essential oils?

The fast pace of the modern world undeniably causes a lot of stress in people of all ages alike. This stress isn’t just restricted to the mind, it very well can and often does manifest into physical stressors, like hair loss (though there are oil for hair growth & hairfall control oil), sagging skin (try a fat burning oil), deep-set eyes (use kumkumadi oil or almond oil), and the worst of all… pain. Pain caused by natural stressors isn’t even the kind that can just go away with a pill or two, they need additional natural remedies such as painkiller oil. People who struggle with chronic pain know that it’s dull and never-ending… or so we thought!

Through the miracles of contemporary Ayurveda, pain relief oils come as a solution to the perpetual problems of pain. If you’re someone whose pain hasn’t found any comfort in western medicine, give nature’s cure a shot. Come over to the other side or recommend this blog to someone who might find it helpful! Keep reading to find out how you can relieve pain from the comfort of your home with just some good essential oils  that could be pain oil, pain relief oil or painkiller oil!

Lavender Oil as pain relief oil for Headaches

Much like nature's other wonders, the lavender essential oil is somewhat of an all-rounder when it comes to the exclusivity of pain relief oils. According to research, it has been proved to be anti-inflammatory and has worked better than medication in some cases.

So, it comes as no surprise that this miraculous essential oil, heavenly-smelling pain relief oil or oil for pain relief is a game changer for people with chronic headaches. A study done in 2012 revealed that inhaling the scent of lavender through its essential oil greatly lessened the severity of migraines in patients with frequent chronic headaches. Participants revealed that the fragrance of essential oil made the headaches less intense. What a literal blessing!

Here are a few ways you can use lavender oil as the perfect pain relief oil or pain oil for your migraines or other stubborn types of headaches:

  • A nice champi(head massage with an ayurvedic hair oil) session! Nothing quite cures a headache better than a good oil massage as there are multiple benefits of oil massage, the kind that stimulates your scalp, roots and nerves all at once! Mix a few drops of lavender oil with some coconut oil and massage away the perfect homemade ayurvedic oil for hair ! Take a nap and wash the ayurvedic hair oil after 20-30 minutes. That should clear your headache right up!
  • If you can't spare the time for a head massage, roll some lavender oil onto your clothes or spray it around your living/working space. The subtle but constant aroma of the oil will linger in the air and as you inhale it more and more, you'll hopefully feel much better!

Lady is holding essential oil bottle with flowers in background

Evening Primrose Oil as oil for pain relief during Menstrual Cramps

When it comes to relieving PMS symptoms, the pharmaceutical market is perhaps too crowded with options. Some of these oil for pain relief works and many of the pain oils don't work.. Seeking relief from menstrual cramps and discomfort comes with blaring sirens and red flags of its own. Then what's the alternative? Natural ayurvedic remedies that aim to alleviate your pain and nothing else! There are multiple benefits of body oil massage and relieving mentural pain is one of them. Some of the other oils that help in these tough times are pain killer oil and pain relief oil.

The evening primrose oil is one such home remedy that the world has been sleeping on. This pain relief oil is extracted from the seed of the primrose flower. Among many other things, it is a mild sedative, meaning it can effectively dull down the sensation of pain and discomfort one experiences during that time of the month! It The pain killer oil works well when applied topically to the problem areas (abdomen, lower back, lower glutes, etc.). Pain relief oilcan even help with tenderness in the breasts.

Peppermint Oil as oil for pain relief of Neck & Shoulder

The current lifestyle of the average millennial has made it next to impossible to emerge from a hectic work week without soreness in the body and muscle spasms all over. Screens rule our lives now, whether they concern work or leisure. It is a travesty. And the body parts that suffer the most at the hands of this culture are our necks and shoulders (we bet your neck feels sore even as you read this).

Most of us deal with aching shoulders and sore necks daily and go without paying the pain any mind. Many of us don't have access to good affordable chiropractors either. What then could facilitate some relief to our poor muscles? Some good old peppermint oil. Yes, the sweet-smelling tingling kind that can be found in plumping lip products one too many times.

Peppermint oil is an effective pain relief oil that works miracles through its cooling properties. Just like most people think to grab an ice pack for tensed muscles? This pain relief oil works exactly like that! A light body oil massage with just a few drops of peppermint oil can provide your tense muscles with a much-needed cooling sensation while simultaneously reducing pressure on the contracted muscles. Try it out, you might be surprised with the benefits of oil massage on body!

lady is pouring essential oil on her hands from the applicator

Ginger Oil as oil for pain relief for Muscle Soreness

Just as cooling sensations provide comfort to pulled or contracted muscles, natural warmth eases up sore muscles and reduces muscle pain. Whether you're in pain from an intense leg day at the gym or run too much too fast, a warm compress can take it all away! How? You might ask? Body massage with the pain relief oil of some good trusty desi adrak or ginger as we know it can give benefits of oil massage on body. Ginger oil is a type of essential oil that is inherently warm due to its taaseer (internal temperature), this allows for the oil to spread warmth evenly to comfort your muscles and regenerate them faster, making it the best pain relieving oil. Use this mixed pain relief oil with a carrier oil of choice (til ka tel a.k.a. sesame oil would be great) and apply as needed. Be sure to keep this or any other essential pain relief oil away from sensitive spots like your face or genitals and avoid rubbing it over cuts and wounds.

Rosehip Oil as oil for pain relief for Arthritic Pain

This oil is lesser known in the world of pain relief oils but makes frequent appearances in the skincare world. Rosehip oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit that emerges after a rose flower comes to the end of its life. This oil is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that improve the appearance of one's skin.

Not a lot of people are aware of the Ayurvedic applications of rosehip oil when dealing with pain but that's what we're here for! An old Indian folk remedy suggests that rosehip oil works wonders for joint pain, osteoarthritis and other related conditions. The anti-inflammatory properties of rosehip pain relief oil make it a decent alternative for people who can't consume common pain medication pills or even non-steroidal drugs. It works best as a painkiller oil

Precautions to Take while applying essential oils as pain oil

Using a pain relief oil seems simple enough, but there are certainly a few things one should keep in mind while using essential oils. Here's what you should know:

  1. Don't overuse it. Essential oils are extremely potent. With these, less is always more. Applying these pain relief essential oils in quantities more than suggested can end up causing irritation, and allergic reactions, and may even burn your skin.
  1. Dilute your essential oil. As mentioned above, essential oils are extremely concentrated. Some may be safe to use as is (like if you're using orange essential oil for fragrance around the house or if you're using tea tree oil on your scalp for dandruff) but for usage on the skin, diluting them is better. You can do so with any carrier oil of choice. We recommend either cold-pressed coconut oil or pure almond oil or sesame oil.
  1. Do a patch test before using any essential oil or oil for pain relief. Testing a new product should certainly be the standard course of action everyone takes with a new purchase, whether it's a skincare product or a medicated topical ointment. So, take a couple of drops of your essential oil, mix them with a few drops of your preferred carrier oil, and apply this on your upper arms, stomach, wrists, and ankles to check if you're allergic to the core ingredient.

essential oil bottle has been placed with flowers around it

Parting Note

Now that you know a fair bit about essential oils and how exactly they can help you, dealing with the pesky, stubborn pain should no longer be a problem. Make sure to do your research, choose a brand you know and trust, go through reviews to understand the product better, select a pain relief oil relevant to your pain and use only as advised. That’s pretty much it! If you want to go for our recommendation, be sure to check out Blue Nectar’s Pure and Natural Essential Oils. They’re all undiluted and come in variants of French Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tree.

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