Kumkumadi Tailam - What is this miraculous ayurvedic face oil everyone is talking of?

Dec 9, 2021

 Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes


If you are someone who follows Ayurvedic beauty secrets, you have likely heard of the mystical Kumkumadi Tailam. Often, it is referred to as a “miraculous elixir”, made from a blend of about 21 to 26 herbs and natural elements. It has also been called a “sacred beauty secret”, that Ancient Ayurveda has gifted us.

Kumkumadi tailam is especially effective in skin brightening, reducing pigmentation, and providing an even skin tone. It is said that this ayurvedic Kumkumadi tailam has benefits for all skin types, and is praised for its anti-aging properties. Its presence in the beauty products can be seen in its original form as a facial oil as well as in other skincare products including scrubs, sunscreens, night creams, washes, and under-eye creams. If you’re wondering if this could become the source of your glow, we’ve got you.

 Table of Content:

  • What is this miraculous ayurvedic face oil everyone is talking of?
  • History of Kumkumadi Tailam
  • Composition of Kumkumadi Tailam
  • Benefits of kumkumadi tailam
    • Skin brightening
    • Moisturization & Hydration
    • Pigmentation and discoloration treatment
    • Healing from skin infections
    • Managing oiliness
  • Recipe of kumkumadi tailam
  • Is kumkumadi tailam suitable for all skin types?
  • Can people with acne use kumkumadi tailam?
  • How to use kumkumadi tailam?
  • Beauty hacks using kumkumadi tailam
  • DIY mask using kumkumadi tailam
  • Overnight kumkumadi treatment
  • Face-Steam using kumkumadi tailam
  • Parting Note
  • Recommended products by Blue Nectar



History of kumkumadi tailam

Ayurveda has built its foundation on self-care and wellbeing. Even before beauty products were a thing, Ayurveda preached techniques for stress relief, pain alleviation, and holistic well-being. Essential oils have been used in the creation of therapeutic elixirs by Ayurveda for thousands of years. More than 700 compounds are listed in Vedic literature as useful for healing, including turmeric, ginger, saffron, and sandalwood.

The magical blend of Kumkumadi tailam too, originates from Ancient Ayurvedic Philosophy. Ayurveda focuses on using natural elements to provide nourishment to human beings and this tailam is no different.

In a literal sense, Serum translates to “saffron oil”. As the name suggests, Saffron is the key herb used in face serum. Kesar, which is the Hindi word for Saffron, is known to give the skin a warm, glowing complexion. 

Originally, it is believed that the Kumkumadi tailam was used for its healing properties. With its composition of herbs like Saffron, Turmeric, Indian Madder, and Licorice root, it was used to treat skin infections, acne scars, dark circles, and dull skin. It is because of these rejuvenating and antiseptic qualities of this ancient tailam that it can be used for various skin remedies now.


Kumkumadi tailam



Composition of kumkumadi tailam

As mentioned before, Kumkumadi serum is a nourishing Ayurvedic mixture of over 21 natural elements that include plant, flower, fruit, and milk extracts. All these ingredients improve skin health and treat a variety of skin problems.

The main secret of the miraculous tailam is that it contains some of the best Ayurvedic herbs for skincare. Let us take a look at the top ingredients used in this tailam, making it miraculous.

Crocus sativus, which is Saffron’s botanical name, is the main ingredient of kumkumadi tailam. Obtained from the purple saffron flower, it looks like red thread-like pollen. This Indian-originated herb is known to be high in antioxidants. It is used to treat pigmentation, healing wounds, and fighting acne.

Indian madder or Rubia cordifolia, commonly known as Manjistha, is an herb that aids in the cleansing of the blood. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and helps to reduce the growth of acne-causing bacteria. It aids in removing pollutants and maintaining healthy skin.

Pterocarpus santalinus or Sandalwood, often known as Chandana has a pleasant scent and is quite a popular ingredient in soaps. The oil from sandalwood trees aids in the softening and toning of the skin. It aids in the treatment of skin disorders such as black spots.

Nelumbo nucifera, often known as Kamal Kesar, is a blue lotus extract. You may have heard people calling it the Sacred Lotus or the Indian Lotus. This beautiful flower has a cooling effect and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, its hydrating effects have been used to nourish dry skin.

Dashamoola is a frequently used Ayurvedic mixture made up of 10 dried-up herbs. It has been used for centuries for its excellent health benefits. For the skin, it is a detoxifying agent. It helps in preventing fine lines, discoloration, and treating freckles. 



Benefits of kumkumadi tailam

Benefits of kumkumadi tailam are endless. It is not just a tailam that gives you glowing skin, but also a great moisturizer. More of its phenomenal and rapid advantages include the way it smooths and soothes skin. It is also known for re-texturizing rough skin with its restoring and reinvigorating functions.

Let's take a look at some of the many benefits that Kkumkumadi tailam provides.



Skin brightening

When your skin is healthier, it glows brighter. Saffron (Kesara), the most well-known ingredient in Kumkumadi Tailam, is renowned for its ability to modify your skin tone. The combination of antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics helps to improve blood circulation and restore skin cells. Kumkumadi oil's main constituent is red and gold saffron, which impart luminosity and a natural shine to the skin, making it look youthful and healthier.

Apart from Saffron, the tailam also has other brightening agents such as Sandalwood and Turmeric. It is the perfect concoction built to give skin a radiant glow.


Moisturization and hydration

With the foundation of sesame oil, kumkumadi face oil makes for a great natural moisturizer. The oil is made up of a concoction of ten potent Ayurvedic roots derived from plants such as Bael and Dashamool, which are known to be excellent skin-hydrating agents. Kumkumadi oil is, therefore, the most beneficial for people with dry skin.


Pigmentation and discoloration treatment

Adding kumkumadi oil to your everyday beauty routine can be beneficial for Pigmentation and Discoloration issues. One of its ingredients, Licorice root extract (Madhuyashti), is an organic skin brightening agent, that suppresses the pigmentation-inducing enzymes in reaction to exposure to the sun. It also aids in the reduction of dark pigmentation caused by scars. With regular use, Kumkumadi tailam can do big wonders for pigmentation issues.

It also contains vetiver roots (Usheera), wild Himalayan cherry (Padma), and Banyan tree leaves (Nyarodhna), which are beneficial in brightening the face and healing skin discoloration, uncovering a clearer, youthful complexion.


Healing from skin infections

Kumkumadi tailam is an all-natural blend of herbs and essential oils that aids in the healing of wounds, infections, and scars. The oil's calming effects aid in the reduction of irritation, blistering, and rashes.

Lac (Laksha) is one of the sources of the oil's antifungal effects. It's made from the resinous secretions of lac insects, and it's great for healing skin problems.

Damaged, inflammatory skin is efficiently healed and scars are lightened with a gentle massage of oil. It further contains extracts from Sappan Wood or Indian Redwood (Pattanga) and pollen from Lotus flowers (Kamala Keshara), which have cooling effects and can be used to treat skin inflammation.


Managing oiliness

While Kumkumadi Tailam is ideal for dry skin, it can be used in small amounts by people with oily skin too. Some of its components are beneficial for controlling oil production. Consider the Indian Barberry (Kaliyaka) in Kumkumadi oil, for example. The plant is well-known for its ability to minimize sebum. This component allows the oil to cleanse pores, control oily skin, and prevent acne.


control oily skin


The oil also contains an extract from the seed of the Blue Lotus (Neelotpala). This extract is a natural moisturizer that balances oiliness and prevents breakouts, resulting in beautiful skin. Additionally, the Mahua flowers used to make the oil have a musky aroma that gives it cooling effects as well as the ability to be used as a skin toner.



Recipe of kumkumadi tailam

The first step to making the tailam is to look up the names of all the herbs and natural extracts required to make it. 

Make a fine mixture (48 gm each) of all the herbs listed under the key ingredients except Manjistha, Mulethi, Mahua, Lac, and Pattanga. This mixture is referred to as kwath dravya in Ayurveda. After this step, take 9.126L of water to soak these herbs. Let it rest for a few hours. After resting, bring this herb water mixture to a boil and reduce it to 1/4th of its original volume. Filter the mixture from the remaining water. This filtered mixture is called Kwath.

The next step is to make a smooth paste, combining 12g each of Manjistha, Mulethi, Mahua, Lac, and Pattanga with a little water. This second mixture is called the Kalka.

Next, mix the Kwath and Kalka with 192 ml sesame oil. Boil these ingredients until only the oil remains. Lastly, make a saffron paste and stir it into the oil.

Voila! Your Kumkumadi oil will be complete after this final process.



Is kumkumadi tailam suitable for all skin types?

The most popular concern about Kumkumadi tailam is whether it can be used by people with sensitive or oily skin. New substances can harm sensitive skin easily. Oily skin can become oilier with the use of face oils. However, the natural essential properties of the tailam can still be used.

It is advised that one does a patch test before applying tailam on the face to see how it suits one’s skin. Additionally, it would be wise to use it in a lower quantity if you have oily/sensitive skin. Just 1-2 drops will do. It can help to calm and prevent acne in many circumstances, with its anti-acne ingredients like Indian Barberry and the Indian Lotus. Moreover, the tailam is ideal for getting rid of acne scars.

Kumkumadi Tailam is perfect for you if you have dry or flaky skin. Its hydrating and nourishing qualities will give you supple and soft skin with regular use. It can also help restore harm done by sun exposure and premature aging.



Can people with acne use kumkumadi tailam?

Kumkumadi Tailam is loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial qualities, making it ideal for healing skin irritation and inflammatory diseases such as acne and pimples. The oil serves as a gentle cleanser, cleaning the skin pores by eliminating dead cells, dust, and sludge particles. It decreases redness and inflammation at the acne site by preventing infections in the sebaceous glands.

Combine a teaspoon of shankha bhasma (Conch shell extract) with a drop of Kumkumadi Tailam and apply to acne and pimple-prone areas. This mixture, when applied regularly, cures and prevents acne while also providing a cooling sensation.



How to use kumkumadi tailam?

Kumkumadi Tailam is a sesame oil-based concoction with Kashayams and no fresh juices. Aja Ksheera is used in the mixture to lighten it considerably. However, the overall formulation remains powerful and concentrated. As a result, it's critical to gradually acclimate your skin to this mixture. Therefore, doing a patch test is a must. 




Once the patch test passes, follow the steps outlined below to properly use Kumkumadi Tailam.


Step 1: Prepare your gorgeous face by washing it

You must properly clean your face before applying Kumkumadi Oil directly to it. After you've rinsed and cleaned your skin, apply Rosewater or any natural rejuvenating water/toner on your skin. This stage helps clean your face from the depth of your pores and eliminates extra moisture from your skin if you have oily skin. 


Step 2: Apply the oil to your face

Rub your hands together after putting 3-7 drops of Kumkumadi Oil on your palm. By rubbing your palms together, you are slightly warming the oil. Apply the oil to your face, under-eye circles, and neck by lightly rubbing your palms together. Massage each area for 5 to 10 minutes with outward and upward motions. Massage the oil into your face until the Tailam has thoroughly absorbed into the skin. This is a simple process that just requires you to devote 15 to 20 minutes to your skin.


Step 3: A Post-Oiling session for your gorgeous face

Wipe the kumkumadi tailam with a warm towel if you want the greatest benefits. If you don't want to use a towel, you can also clean the oil using a cleanser. Do not wash it off immediately though and let the mystical concoction absorb into your face. If you have oily skin, leave it on for an hour or so. If you have dry skin, you can go for overnight treatment and wash it off in the morning.

To give your face a magical gold-like radiance, you simply need to follow these three steps.



Beauty hacks using kumkumadi tailam

It is said that the regular use of Kumkumadi oil gives you a radiant glow. Your skin starts to shine like gold. This miraculous tailam has various benefits. Therefore, it also has multiple means to be used.

Let us apply its uses to the best we can and see how the tailam can be used in multiple beauty hacks.



DIY mask using kumkumadi tailam

Simple steps can be followed to make a face mask using Kumkumadi oil and Multani Mitti. This can be used as a simple home cure for dark circles, acne, and a variety of skin problems.

Combine two tbsp. of Multani mitti and a few drops of Kumkumadi tailam mixture with some rose water. Thoroughly combine all these ingredients to make a smooth paste.

Apply the paste on your entire face and let it sit for a while. After 15 minutes, wash your face with a mild wash and watch your skin glow!


Overnight kumkumadi treatment

If you have pigmentation issues, Kumkumadi oil can be very useful. The easiest way to use it is to apply it to pigmented areas and leave it overnight. You can also apply it under your eye to get rid of dark circles. With regular use, these spots will lighten and fade.

For dry skin, another overnight treatment method is to apply a few drops on the face before sleeping. Leave it on overnight to wake up with nourished and supple skin.


Face-Steam using kumkumadi tailam

This creative hack can be used to cleanse the skin and unclog pores. Mix some drops of Kumkumadi oil into some water. Use this mix to steam your face.


face steam


This treatment is recommended for colder seasons. Winters can dry up your skin and steaming can bring back its moisture.



Parting Note 

When it comes to perceiving outer sensations, Ayurveda identifies the five sense organs as the fundamental gateways of the human body. The skin is primarily thought of as a touch organ, but it is also one of the most significant and largest of the sense organs. Skin health can be suggestive of other deficits or illnesses in the human body, according to numerous credible ideas. This is why maintaining good skin health is so important for overall wellness.

The Kumkumadi Tailam minimizes dark circles, eliminates pigmentation, and boosts general skin health. We believe that you now have a thorough understanding of the facts surrounding Kumkumadi Tailam, as well as how to apply it and its implications. We hope you enjoyed this informative article and will put the approach into practice in your life.

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