Skin Care Products that Delay the Signs of Ageing

Can Ayurved skin care products delay wrinkles?

 Estimated Reading Time : 6 minutes

Being a huge fan of Ayurveda, I always keep my eyes open for ayurvedic beauty and skin care products. Still, I believe that when it comes to giving a tag of best skincare product, everyone has different needs based on their skin condition and skin type. Hence, what works for you may not work for me! Therefore, the only way to find the most suitable product for the skin is by understanding the skin type and then looking for ingredients that would work for that skin type.

My skin type is dry and now, as I am in my thirties, I have already started to develop fine lines and black spots! We all know that ageing is unavoidable and with time everyone gets those wrinkles and age spots. Our skin loses its glow and charm as we age.

Since last few years, my focus has been completely on delaying the signs of aging, using some skincare products. I tried and tested expensive anti-ageing products and some home remedies. Unfortunately, none of the so called ‘miraculous creams and lotions’ and ‘face brightening creams’ could provide me satisfactory results!

I was looking for Ayurvedic formula based anti-aging products that could work directly as a face brightening cream and on reducing fine lines and wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation, and dark spots.

After going through an article, I learnt that Elastin and Collagen are crucial components for our skin in order to keep it youthful.

Elastin makes our skin soft and supple while Collagen makes it firm and tight. As we reach our thirties, both Elastin and Collagen production starts to slow down, and these changes make our skin look dull, wrinkly and lifeless.

In some cases, these skin ageing signs may crop up way too early, making one look older than one’s real age. I also found out that moisture in our skin plays an important role in keeping it young and fresh looking. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a natural substance in the skin which maintains the skin moisture; but in older age, our ability to produce this component starts decreasing, which makes our skin dry and rough.

GOOD NEWS is that the early signs of ageing can be treated with a combination of products, diet and lifestyle changes.

So, I was looking out for ayurvedic formula based anti-aging products that could work directly on fine lines and wrinkles, decrease hyper-pigmentation, and would heal the quality and texture of my skin. I was looking for a face brightening cream cum anti ageing cream.

About a year ago, one of my Ayurvedic practitioner friends recommended me an anti-ageing, anti-wrinkle cream from Blue Nectar. Ever since, I’ve been using it.

A holistic approach is very important for treating fine lines, age spots and pigmentation.  Based on this philosophy, Blue Nectar has set a benchmark when it comes to anti-aging products. They have got a variety of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle products. Moreover, their skin care range is purely organic, which is why it is highly recommended by skincare experts.

Blue Nectar products are based on extensive research and Ayurvedic principles. It fights with signs of age spots and wrinkles so efficiently that Blue Nectar anti ageing, face brightening  cream has now become a permanent part of my daily anti-aging regime.

It is important to use natural products that are suitable for your skin type, skin colour and skin problems. Dry, flaky skin was always a big concern for me and Blue Nectar anti ageing face brightening cream is a product which not only solved my dry skin problem but also reduced the early signs of ageing.

They have a huge range of skincare products, so it took me a while to decide which cream would work for my skin type. After getting satisfactory results from this product, I bought Kumkumadi Serum by Blue Nectar.

This face glowing oil solves two purpose - it helps to fight early signs of aging by promoting cell re-generation and it also gives a lighter skin tone. Within few days of regular use, I noticed my skin had become soft, supple and the depth of fine lines got reduced significantly.


The main ingredients of this Ayurvedic formulation are Saffron, Manjistha, Sandalwood. Many Ayurveda experts and skincare specialist often recommend Sandalwood and Manjistha based products for treating dark spots and uneven patchy skin tones.

It is obvious that my dry skin needs extra moisturisation, and this Kumkumadi Serum also works as an excellent moisturizer for my face. The best part is that Blue Nectar Kumkumadi Serum helps me keep my skin healthy and makes it shine as if I had a facial while sleeping.

After my face cleansing regime, I take a small quantity of this face glowing oil and apply it all over my face and neck area. After massaging the face with kumkumadi serum for 2-3 minutes, it gets absorbed completely, leaving my skin hydrated, smooth and radiant.

Frankly speaking, I was not expecting any miracle from a face glowing oil in a span of just few months. But to my surprise, it gave me great results in a short period of time.

As mentioned earlier, Blue Nectar anti-aging products are enriched with high quality natural ingredients, so they do not cause any side effects, allergy or skin irritation. However, the time it takes to show some visible result may vary depending on your skin conditions.

Kumkumadi Tailam has been a beauty secret of many queens and princess due to its ability to illuminate complexion and rejuvenate dull skin. This is a unique combination of oils and natural ingredients which make your skin look youthful and glowing.

After few weeks of regular use of brightening and radiance cream and Kumkumadi Serum, I can say with confidence, that it is an absolutely brilliant combination for aging skin. It nourishes my dry skin very well and makes it look youthful and radiant. It is high time every healthy skin enthusiast should give it a try.

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