7 Natural alternatives to Traditional Face Wash for Oily Skin

 Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

Are you tired of using harsh chemicals in the form of face wash for your oily skin, to keep it clear? Do you want to switch to a natural and effective alternative to your face wash for oily skin and still have healthy looking and radiant skin? Keep reading! We've covered for you  seven natural alternatives to traditional face wash for oily skin that will revolutionize your skincare routine. 


  • 7 Natural Alternatives to Traditional Face Wash for Oily Skin
    • Honey Face Cleanser
    • Apple Cider Vinegar
    • Green Tea
    • Rose Water
    • Cucumber & Tomato Cleanser
    • Gram Flour & Turmeric
    • Coconut Milk Cleanse
  • What can I use instead of face wash for oily skin?
  • Which is the best natural face wash for oily skin?
  • What is the recommended face wash for oily skin during the summer season?
  • Recommended Products by Blue Nectar

Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to the power of nature. From gentle oil cleansing to soothing honey masks, these natural alternatives, to your regular face wash, will control oil production and nourish and pamper your skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and glowing. Get ready to experience the magic of natural skincare with these creative and innovative alternatives.

Girl is worried after looking her oily skin

1. Honey face Cleanser

Honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various skin conditions due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties. Honey can be an effective alternative to traditional face wash for oily skin. Here's how honey cleansing can help oily skin in better results as a face wash:

  • Honey balances oil production: Honey contains enzymes that can help regulate sebum production, which is the primary cause of oily skin. By balancing oil production, honey cleansing can help prevent excess oil build up and reduce the appearance of shine on the skin. It can thus be a good alternative to any face wash for oily skin.
  • Honey gently exfoliates: Honey contains natural alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) that can gently exfoliate the skin. Just like your face wash for oiy skin, honey helps in removing dead skin cells and impurities that can clog pores and cause breakouts.
  • Honey fights acne-causing bacteria: The antibacterial properties of honey can help fight acne-causing bacteria on the skin, reducing the occurrence of pimples and blemishes.
  • Honey moisturizes the skin: Honey is a natural humectant, attracting and retaining moisture in the skin. This can help keep oily skin hydrated and nourished without causing excess oiliness.

To use honey as a face wash for oily skin, simply apply a small amount of raw, organic honey to damp skin and massage gently for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. You can use honey cleansing daily or weekly to keep your skin clear, balanced, and healthy.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient used for centuries for its various health benefits, including its ability to balance the skin’s pH. Regarding oily skin, apple cider vinegar can be a game-changer. Here's how it can help:

  • Regulates oil production: Apple cider vinegar helps regulate sebum production, our skin’s oily substance. By controlling the production of sebum, apple cider vinegar can prevent excess oiliness on the skin and easily work as a substitute for a face wash for oily skin.
  • Balances pH level: The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps to balance the skin’s pH level, which is important for maintaining healthy skin. When the pH level is unbalanced, it can lead to various skin problems, including oiliness, acne, and irritation.
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells: Apple cider vinegar contains natural alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help to exfoliate dead skin cells. By removing these dead skin cells, apple cider vinegar can unclog pores and prevent acne breakouts and give the same results as that of a face wash for oily skin.
  • Antibacterial properties: The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can help to prevent bacterial growth on the skin, making it an effective natural remedy for oily skin. Excess oil on the skin can create a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to acne breakouts and other skin irritations. The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar can help to prevent this by regulating the skin's pH balance and reducing the number of bacteria on the skin. Additionally, apple cider vinegar contains alpha-hydroxy acids, which can help to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores, resulting in a clearer complexion. When used as a face wash for oily skin, apple cider vinegar can help to remove excess oil, dirt, and makeup from the skin, leaving it feeling clean and refreshed. It is important to note that apple cider vinegar should be diluted before use as a face wash for oily skin, as it can be too harsh on the skin when used in its undiluted form.

3. Green Tea

Green tea has long been touted for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to help with oily skin. As a face wash for oily skin, green tea can provide several benefits for those with oily skin, including:

  1. Reducing oil production: Green tea contains antioxidants that can help regulate sebum production in the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of oily skin.
  2. Fighting acne: The antibacterial properties of green tea can help fight acne-causing bacteria and prevent breakouts.
  3. Soothing inflammation: Green tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe inflammation and redness associated with oily skin.
  4. Nourishing the skin: Green tea is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish and moisturize the skin, leaving it healthy and radiant.

To use green tea as a face wash for oily skin, you can brew a cup and allow it to cool to room temperature. Then, use a cotton ball or pad to apply the green tea to your face, focusing on the areas with oily skin. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it with cool water. You can use green tea as a face wash for oily skin once or twice daily for the best results.

4. Rose Water

Rose water is a natural ingredient used for centuries in skincare. It is a by-product of the distillation process of rose petals and is known for its calming, hydrating, and anti-inflammatory properties. While it is often used as a face toner, rose water can also be an excellent alternative to traditional face washes for those with oily skin.

  • Firstly, rose water has astringent properties that help to tighten and minimize pores, which is important for oily skin types. This can help to reduce excess oil production and prevent acne and breakouts.
  • Secondly, rose water is a gentle cleanser that can remove dirt, oil, and impurities from the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. This is important because harsh face washes for oily skin can often lead to over-drying and irritation, which can cause the skin to produce more oil to compensate.
  • Thirdly, rose water has a soothing and hydrating effect on the skin, which can help to reduce inflammation and redness. This is particularly beneficial for those with oily and acne-prone skin, as inflammation can often exacerbate these conditions.
  • Lastly, rose water has antioxidant properties that can help to protect the skin from environmental stressors and free radicals. This can help to prevent premature ageing and promote a healthy and youthful complexion.

In summary, using rose water as a face wash for oily skin can provide a gentle yet effective cleansing and toning experience and additional benefits such as reducing inflammation and protecting the skin from environmental damage.

Girl is washing her face by face wash for oily skin

5. Cucumber & Tomato Cleanser

Cucumber and tomato are two powerful natural ingredients that can work wonders on oily skin when used as a cleanser. Here are some ways a cucumber and tomato cleanser can help improve the results of your oily skin routine:

  • Reduces oil production: Cucumber and tomato both have astringent properties that can help control oil production on the skin. This means that the cleanser can help keep your skin from becoming too oily throughout the day, which can reduce breakouts and other skin issues.
  • Cleanses and detoxifies: The natural acids in tomatoes and cucumbers act as gentle exfoliants, helping to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. This allows the cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin and detoxify it, removing dirt and impurities that can contribute to breakouts and dull skin.
  • Soothes and hydrates: Cucumber is known for its hydrating properties, which can help soothe and calm irritated or inflamed skin. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. These ingredients can help keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and glowing.
  • Improves skin tone: The vitamin C and antioxidants found in tomatoes and cucumbers can help improve your skin’s overall tone and texture. Regular use of a cucumber and tomato cleanser can help brighten your complexion and reduce the appearance of blemishes and dark spot on face.

A cucumber and tomato cleanser can be an effective and natural way to improve the results of your oily skin routine. It can help control oil production, cleanse and detoxify your skin, soothe and hydrate, and improve skin tone and texture.

6. Gram Flour & Turmeric

Gram flour, also known as chickpea flour, and turmeric have been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to promote healthy and glowing skin. When used together as a face wash for oily skin, it can help in several ways: they can help oily skin in several ways:

  1. Control oil production: Gram flour has natural oil-absorbing properties that can help control excess oil production on the skin. It helps to remove excess sebum and dirt from the skin, leaving it feeling clean and refreshed.
  2. Exfoliate: Gram flour is a gentle exfoliant that can help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, preventing breakouts and blackheads.
  3. Brighten skin: Turmeric has natural brightening and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the appearance of dark spot on face, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars.
  4. Reduce inflammation: Turmeric contains curcumin, which has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe inflamed and irritated skin.

To use gram flour and turmeric as a face wash for oily skin, mix equal parts of gram flour and turmeric powder with enough water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your face and massage gently in circular motions for a minute or two. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. You can use this face wash for oily skin once or twice a week for best results.

7. Coconut Milk Cleanse

Coconut milk is a rich and creamy liquid that is derived from the flesh of mature coconuts. It is a natural ingredient that is packed with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the skin. Coconut milk has been used for centuries as a natural cleanser and moisturizer for skin, and it is an excellent alternative to traditional face washes, especially for those with oily skin.

Coconut milk contains lauric acid, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce oil production and prevent acne breakouts. It also contains natural fatty acids that can nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving it soft and supple. When used as a face wash for oily skin, coconut milk can effectively cleanse the skin of dirt, impurities, and excess oil without stripping away its natural oils.

One of the biggest advantages of using coconut milk as a face wash for oily skin is that it is gentle and non-irritating, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is also easy to use and can be customized with other natural ingredients to enhance its cleansing and nourishing properties.

In summary, coconut milk can be an effective and natural alternative to traditional face washes for oily skin. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties can help to control oil production, prevent acne, and leave the skin feeling soft and hydrated.

What can I use instead of foaming face wash for oily skin?

If you are looking for a natural alternative to traditional face wash for oily skin, there are several options you can try. Some popular natural cleansers for oily skin include honey, aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, green tea, and coconut milk. These natural ingredients can help to control oil production, reduce inflammation, and cleanse the skin without stripping away its natural oils.

Which is the best natural face wash for oily skin?

The best natural face washes for oily skin will vary depending on individual skin type and preferences. Some people may prefer the gentle cleansing properties of honey or aloe vera gel, while others may find that apple cider vinegar or green tea works best for their skin. If you prefer a natural, chemical-free ayurvedic skincare product, Shubhr Neem Face Cleanser by Blue Nectar is a good option. 

This ayurvedic face wash for oily skin contains neem, a natural antibacterial agent, and turmeric, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe and balance oily skin. It doesn't include any harsh chemicals or synthetic perfumes, it is a safe option for people with sensitive skin. The gentle face wash has a mild, aroma, lathers up well, and leaves skin  clean and refreshed.
Rose Face Tonic Mist or Vetiver Face Mist can also be a face toner to balance oily skin and provide refreshing hydration.

Girl is removing excess oil from her face

Which face wash to use for oily skin in summer?

During the summer months, when oily skin tends to be more problematic, there are several options for face wash for oily skin. One option is to use a tomato and cucumber face wash , which can help to control oil production and soothe irritated skin. Another option is to use apple cider vinegar as a toner, which can help balance the skin’s pH and reduce oiliness. It is important to note that in the summer, wearing sunscreen with minimum SPF 30 and protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun is essential.

Is face wash always foaming?

Whenever we think of a face wash, what comes in mind is a product that lathers on the skin. A face wash is simply any ingredient or a mix of ingredients that helps to cleanse the skin. It may or may not lather necessarily. Blue Nectar has range of ayurvedic face wash which are non-foaming because they are natural and ayurvedic. Some popular face wash are - face wash for oily skin, face wash for dry skin, daily face wash, men facial wash.

Recommended Products by Blue Nectar:

Shubhr Radiance Honey Face Cleanser | Radiance & Even Skin Tone

Shubhr Neem Face Cleanser | Acne Control & Oil Balancing

Niraa Shea Butter SPF 30 Face & Body Lotion | Skin Brightening & Sun Protection

Shubhr Rose Face Tonic Mist | Skin Toning & pH Balance

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