Why does Male skin Age better than Female skin? | Anti-Aging Skincare Routine for Men

Oct 24, 2022

Authored by: Areeba
Reviewed by: Sanyog Jain
Estimated Reading Time: 13 minutes

The “beauty fades away” phrase is more often used for women as compared to men. Despite all the extra efforts women invest into beautifying themselves, Age visibly occurs faster on women than men! A natural fact that makes women often more conscious of their appearance as they enter their late 30s. Women are always fighting against the beauty standards set up for them. Skincare routine for men is a less common idea. Statistically, women beat men in dying, but which one of them looks younger while aging. It is not a matter of superiority or inferiority however just a natural phenomenon supported with scientific evidence.

A man and woman are laughing together, with the woman resting her hand on the man's shoulder, both of them having face cream applied to their cheeks.

Table of Content:

  • Gender Aspects of the Skin
  • Age Markers: Men V/s Women
  • Men’s Proneness to Skin Problems !
  • Aging: An Ayurvedic Explanation
  • Skincare Routine for Men | Key Ingredients to Incorporate:
  • The Ultimate Every-Day Skincare Routine for Men
  • Final Takeaway
  • What Blue Nectar has for You

Gender Aspects of the Skin

Skin is an important criteria for the perception of health and the standard of beauty. While a male skin looks better with each passing year, the female skin doesn't get to enjoy the same luxury. Read ahead to explore the answers as to why that happens.

The skin being the largest multifunctional organ in the body functions as a protective physical barrier by absorbing ultraviolet radiation and preventing microorganism invasion and chemical penetration.

Studies show that the levels of hydration, transepidermal water loss, sebum, microcirculation, pigmentation, and thickness are generally higher in men but skin pH is higher in women. We have elaborated these age markers ahead.

  • Thicker Skin

Research suggests that a male skin is anywhere between 20% and 30% thicker than that of a female skin. This extra thickness leads to enhanced firmness, a direct result of improved and increased production of collagen. As a result, men’s skin continues to be highly elastic and avoids sagging well even in their 40s. This is the reason why the phrase ‘skincare routine for men’ is less heard.

A man looks irritated as he examines his skin in the mirror
  • Frequent Exfoliation

Since, men do not prefer an intensive skincare routine and care less about exfoliating products and face scrubs, they still manage to exfoliate their skin effectively at frequent intervals (or daily) because of their shaving routines. Although the intention of shaving is to get rid of facial hair, a helpful byproduct of this practice is the efficient removal of dead skin cells. Their absence renews the surface of the skin and lets the epidermis bring forth regenerated skin cells to give men a youthful appearance. Hence, a goodbye to skincare routine for men!

  • Protein-rich Diet  

Men naturally tend to gravitate more towards a protein-rich diet. Whether they consume meat and eggs or restrict themselves to dairy on a vegetarian diet supported by supplements, they manage to consume a balanced diet with some healthy fats that improve the appearance of their skin exponentially.

  • Hormones 

The decrease of skin thickness is a consequence of hormonal imbalances that are associated with menopause in women. The high levels of testosterone hormone in men reinforces the thickness of the skin making it less susceptible to the harsh environmental factors and further to aging. 

A table clock is placed on a plate alongside various healthy fruits and vegetables
  • Sebum production 

Thanks to the high level of sebum production which allows men to get away easily without a moisturizer. Unlike women, men have more active sebaceous glands, and therefore more pores. Since they beat women here, their sebum production is double that of women, so male skin is oilier, shinier and plumper than female skin. Moreover, adult males are less prone to dry skin than adult females.

It’s also important to note that men are just as vulnerable to skin cancer. 90% of all deadly skin cancers are caused by ultraviolet light from the sun so it’s always important to stay safe in the sun and check your skin regularly for any significant changes.

Age Markers: Men V/s Women

In Men 

In Women

1. The gradual decline of testosterone levels.
    Menopause: a clear sign of aging in women
      2. Loss of bone muscle mass    Increased body fat
      3. Increased fat mass   Muscle loss
      4. Loss of body hair  Reduced elasticity of skin
      5. Slower sperm cell production Graying hair
      6. Increased wrinkles  Frailty : weakness, slowing, decreased energy
      7. A flabby and drooping face
      8. Sagging jowls

      Men’s Proneness to Skin Problems !

      While men’s skin resembles the miracles of nature, it certainly is not immune to the harshest woes of nature. Men’s skin tends to age better but it is also prone to many issues and conditions owing to the lack of maintenance. Here are some major reasons behind why men experience skin issues despite the natural advantage:

      A man is holding a serum applicator in one hand while gripping the serum bottle with the other

      1. No sunscreen

        No one claims to understand the concept of invincibility better than men who refuse to wear SPF. The harsh UV rays of the sun are capable of doing serious, irreversible damage to all layers of the human skin. In such a threat of potentially ever-lasting harm, it becomes even more imperative for us to wear sunscreen with SPF30 that can both brighten the skin and shield it from the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays. And while many women seem to grasp that very concept with fair ease, men continue to avoid it.

        Research suggests that men have thicker skin with less fat beneath. A man’s skin also contains more collagen and elastin, fibers that give the skin firmness and keep it tight. This makes men’s skin more likely to be damaged by the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.


        2. All-in-one skincare

          It has been observed through the past century that men tend to have an affinity toward multipurpose skincare products. You might have noticed in supermarkets that 3-in1 hair care products that apparently double as body washes and facial cleansers are all targeted towards men. These products don’t perform like the ones targeting a single aim. Men should prefer a unifunctional product over a multifunctional one. 

          3. Absence of proper technique -

          In skincare, the technique of application plays a role. The habit of aggressively lathering the products against the face harms the skin- a gentle fingertip touch is essential. It is always best to choose natural products

          Tip: Most face products do not require a warming up between the palms- the product is wasted. Instead, just apply the serums, face creams, etc. straight to your face or just to the fingertips and proceed as usual

          Aging: An Ayurvedic Explanation 

          In the perception of Ayurveda, aging is not a disease or something worth contempt. It is a natural and an inevitable advancement where the mind and body can remain healthy. Aging should not be a mere extension of the years of life. Rather, it should be the aim to improve the quality of life and self-dependency.

          All Anti Aging herbs are placed on table

          The word for aging in ayurvedic scriptures is vardhakya, which means something which has become old by wearing out. Our deterioration of the body is based on the bad choices that we make in our daily lives. Where modern medicines only solve the problem temporarily along with several side effects. Ayurveda, aims at functioning at the roots and preventing the problems in the long run.

          In Ayurveda there are three stages of life known as Vaya:

          • Balavastha up to age 16, 
          • Madhyavastha 16-60
          • Vriddhavastha or Jirnavastha after 60 which is the elder years

          The body and mind regresses due to imbalances within the doshas (that which accelerates aging), dhatu (tissues), agni (digestive fire) and malas (metabolic wastes) which are all dependent on lifestyle, diet as well as the rhythms and cycles of nature.



          Skincare Routine for Men | Key Ingredients to Incorporate:

          • Retinol – 

          Retinol is a popular active agent that is frequently used in many skincare products, all for good reasons! Though extremely potent and at times, harsh on the skin, retinol or forms of it (retinal, retinoids, tretinoin, etc.) boost the production of collagen in the skin, thus improving its elasticity and keeping the skin firm and bouncy, all signs of youth. Hence, making it an important ingredient in the skincare routine for men.

          Because of these benefits and more, Retinol can be found in following products:

          1. Anti aging Cream for Men: There are specialized creams that targets towards age control for men and have retinol as an active ingredient

          2. Anti aging Serum for Men: Retinol is an active ingredient in Face Serums that helps to control signs of aging

            For men who are apprehensive of active ingredients, Bakuchiol (a source of plant-based retinol) is a great option. It gives similar results and isn’t as harsh as the traditional chemical, thus making for the perfect ingredient to be added to an anti-aging men’s cream. It can be the best face cream for men. Bakuchiol is also available in Bakuchi Face Serum and works wonder as an Anti aging serum for men. 

            • Charcoal – 

              A natural element found straight from mother nature, charcoal is a popular ingredient in men’s face washes, face cream, face glow creams and night creams. Why? Because it combats pollutants and irritants like no other ingredient. It is effective yet mild and has the added benefit of making the skin brighter with each use. Who can turn that down? Certainly not us! Charcoal is therefore a skin brightening ingredient. To sum up! Charcoal is another very important ingredient in the skincare routine for men.

              •  Tea tree -

              A natural herb used mostly in the form of its essential oil, tea tree as an ingredient is truly a jack of all trades. Though famous for its dandruff-combating abilities, tea tree leaves are also great for clearing bouts of acne and lonesome pimples owing to their fungal properties. An ayurvedic Face Wash with Tea Tree essential oil and neem as active ingredients make for the Best Face Wash for Men with Oily Skin.

              • Vitamin C

              Even men oblivious to the importance of sunscreen know just how popular vitamin C is in the world of skincare. It’s full of antioxidant properties and does wonders for the skin when applied regularly. Though the most preferred form of vitamin C is found in face serum, the goodness of this essential vitamin greatly reduces the number of steps in one’s skincare routine. 

              Vitamin C is also an active ingredient and can act as an irritant if used in large quantities on unseasoned skin. This can be avoided by using products with natural sources of vitamin C such as orange peels, amla (Indian gooseberry), etc. These ingredients are much kinder to the skin and bring about the same results such as correcting dark spots on the face, fading hyperpigmentation, evening out the skin tone, etc. Thus, making it a good deal in the skincare routine for men.

              • Hyaluronic Acid

              Contrary to its name (which makes it seem like a harsh chemical one should never put on his face), hyaluronic acid is a mild humectant that does a swell job of pulling moisture from the environment to your skin. Moisturize is one of the key elements to keeping one's skin healthy and youthful. This is especially important for men, even more for the ones who shave often. When you shave and follow it up with an after-shave, you end up losing a lot of your skin’s natural moisture at the hands of the alcohol present in your after-shave. Thus, it becomes extremely important for you to reintroduce plenty of moisture back to your skin to keep it from drying out and becoming wrinkled. Glycerin is another humectant you may consider using or you can just simply use products with aloe vera which has intense hydrating and calming qualities.

              • SPF

              As we mentioned earlier in this blog, men tend to avoid wearing sunscreen like the plague. Apparently looking after your skin is much too feminine to be suitable for masculinity. We say, no more! SPF is essential for anyone stepping out into the sun and should be applied to every uncovered part of your body. Using best face creams for men and body lotions with SPF in them reduces your work of applying SPF as a separate step and saves you time!

              The Ultimate Every-Day Skincare Routine for Men

              All this talk of skincare that is intended for men and we still haven’t addressed the infamous routine i.e. CTM routine. Your products are as good as nothing if you don’t use them in the correct order. So, here’s a simple skincare routine man should follow to keep their skin looking young and beautiful:

              • Cleanse – Deciding the best face wash for men can be a tedious task. Simply, pick a gentle face wash like an ayurvedic face wash that addresses your skin concerns and use it judiciously twice a day. Cleansing your face from any dirt and impurities is perhaps the most important step in caring for your skin. A Neem face wash will work the best here. So take some amount of your preferred face cleanser, lather it slightly between fingertips and begin applying it over a slightly damp face till it lathers well. Wash off with room-temperature water and let your face air-dry. (Or if you’re impatient like some of us, pat it dry with a soft cotton towel).

              • Tone - Using a face toner is often overlooked as a step but rarely should be. You should skip spritzing some toner on your face if you used after-shave, otherwise, pour some of your face tonic (preferably alcohol-free; steam-distilled rose face water or vetiver face tonic mist is a great option if you’re into natural skincare) onto a cotton pad and wipe your cleansed face. This will successfully balance the pH of your skin and prepare it for the next step.

              • Moisturize - Once toned, it is time to reintroduce some of that moisture your skin lost during the first step. For this, choose your preferred best face cream for men, preferably one that has some SPF and a much-needed active ingredient in it for daytime use. If you’re carrying out your bedtime routine, then pick a night cream with similar properties and no SPF instead.
              All skincare products are placed on table
              • Sunscreen - The nighttime skincare routine pretty much ends in 3 simple steps (unless you use a product like a night cream best applied after some moisturizer at nighttime). However, during the day, it is important to keep your sunscreen handy, even if your moisturizer has SPF in it. One needs to keep reapplying SPF in intervals of 2-3 hours during daylight to be effectively protected from the sun!

              Final Takeaway

              Who ages first is a matter of nature's design. Instead of talking more about the difference in the skin of men and women, talk about the importance of skin. It is true that Men are gifted with tougher skin than women, but, we cannot neglect the fact that they are more exposed to the harsh environment than women and similarly they naturally care less about maintaining their skincare routines. In contrast, women possess delicate skin along with a tendency to nurture it more and less exposure to the outside world. This the reason why the phrase ‘skincare routine for women’ is more common than ‘skincare routine for men’.

              What Blue Nectar has for You:

              With all that said above Blue Nectar has taken this initiative to cater to all your needs- the needs of women as well as men to craft an optimum skincare routine that will serve you the best, suitable for your skin type and clicks best with your skin.

              Pick from a wide range of products, won't you? 

              Recommended Products by Blue Nectar:

              Anti Aging Face Cream for Men with Saffron & Sandalwood for Collagen Boost And Deep Moisturization

              Men's Kumkumadi Night Repair Face Cream with Plant Based Nourishment for Ultra Hydration & Skin Repair (16 herbs, 50g)

              Men's Sandalwood Skin Brightening Cream for Even Skin Tone (13 herbs, 50g)

              Men's Eladi Day Face Cream with SPF 30 for Sun Protection (19 herbs, 50g)

              Men's Vitamin C Face Cream for Skin Brightening (15 herbs, 50g)

              Related Articles:

              1. Who age faster Men or Women ?

              2. The Truth about Anti Aging Men's Cream

              3. The Best Men’s Skincare Products

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